Dragons: The Nine Realms - It Flies in the Family
Ever since his first appearance, and his insatiable curiosity about what his sister is up to, Dragons: The Nine Realms has been teasing what finally occurs in "It Flies in the Family" as Eugene (Vincent Tong) discovers the truth about Dragon Club. Demanding a dragon of his own, or threatening to tell everyone their secret, Eugene basically blackmails his way into the club as the group go in search of a dragon for Jun's (Ashley Liao) older brother before running into new troubles with dragons from the Fire Realm invading the Crystal Realm.
Once Eugene learns the truth, which seems to have been from just following the other kids into their secret lair, you basically know where the episode is headed. Unable to connect to a dragon, the normally selfish Eugene later shows some bravery and compassion and actually earns a spot in the club and his own dragon in Webmaster (which, of course, is the type of dragon to freak out his sister making it an even more obvious choice for him).
- Title: Dragons: The Nine Realms - It Flies in the Family
- wiki: link