The Blacklist - The Postman
Things get back to normal on The Blacklist with a case of the week as Reddington (James Spader) sends the team off a man who is known to be able to smuggle anything into prisons. In a twist, the man the FBI is working for spent 25 years in prison for a crime that Harold (Harry Lennix) helped send to prison as one of the man's jurors. "The Postman" has the feel of a script that had been kicking around the writer's room for awhile and, despite still not being quite ready, got greenlit in the show's final season.
The payoff to Harold's flashbacks is underwhelming, as is the stalled B-story involving Ressler's (Diego Klattenhoff) AA connection. Even the writers seem tired of Harold being mad at Red for outfoxing them yet again, so even the animosity over how the Wujing (Chin Han) arc ended feels a bit half-hearted. There are some interesting aspect to the episode involving the methods the Postman uses to smuggle items (even if the unobservant incompetence of the guards becomes cartoonish at some point). The episode feels very much like filler prior to the final stretch of episodes which may, or may not, have to deal with Red's recent actions and/or his relationship with Agnes (Sami Bray) who is getting more and more screentime in this final season.
- Title: The Blacklist - The Postman
- wiki: link
- Title: The Blacklist - The Postman
- wiki: link