NCIS: Hawai'i - Nightwatch Two

In an episode that also clues us in on how Ernie (Jason Antoon) spends his free time, and less successfully introduces a , the story focuses on Lucy (Yasmine Al-Bustami) investigating a trouble soldier who calls in one night confessing to a murder. While I'm not against the show using Kai (Alex Tarrant) to explore issues soldiers return home with, the sudden injection of unresolved issues for the character seems shoehorned in simply to give his character something to do without the show laying groundwork for the reveal.

If I have complaints on Kai's B-story, and the rather hit-and-miss idea of exploring Tennant's (Vanessa Lachey) dating life, the show easily wins me over with the main plot focusing on my favorite trio in Lucy, Whistler (Tori Anderson), and Ernie. Ernie is also given a bit more character development, and some issues he's working through, but this largely fits in with what has already been established with his character. As for Lucy, we see her continue to grow as an agent while still leading with her heart (even when it puts her in harm's way) and Anderson steals a scene or two worrying about her girlfriend. 

  • Title: NCIS: Hawai'i - Nightwatch Two
  • wiki: link

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