Strange New Worlds - The Complete First Season
The best thing to come out of Star Trek: Discovery was the re-introduction of the Christopher Pike (Anson Mount)) led USS Enterprise. Although delayed due to COVID, the show's First Season eventually offered a new look at the classic starship long before it got its more famous captain by exploring the makeup of the crew from Star Trek's original pilot episode "The Cage."
The Complete First Season collects all 10 episodes whose highlights include the introductory episode of the series which offers the addition of Uhura (Celia Rose Gooding) to the ship, the crew battling space pirates, the reintroduction of the Gorn as a serious threat, Uhura's first away mission, and the season finale which further examines Pike's role and destiny and lays groundwork for the show's Second Season with the arrest of Number One (Rebecca Romijn) and introduction of Captain Kirk (Paul Wesley).
Although the show falters in the latter half of the season with "The Elysian Kingdom" and "All Those That Wander," there's plenty to enjoy here seeing younger version of classic Trek characters and getting to know those created specifically for the show as well. Pike's destiny to die, revealed back on Star Trek Discovery, plays one of the important season-wide arcs for the show. Although I still have mixed feelings for the show making him aware of his fate so early, it does allow for an interesting finale exploring key differences between Pike and Kirk and why one of them needs to be sitting in the Enterprise's command chair during a pivotal moment of history.
- Title: Star Trek: Strange New Worlds - Season One
- wiki: link
- Title: Strange New Worlds - Season One
- wiki: link