Will Trent - Should I Go Get My Tin Foil Hat?
A double homicide lead Trent (Ramón Rodríguez) and Faith (Iantha Richardson) to discover the software company that provides service to the police department has been secretly spying on them allowing them to stay one-step ahead on the latest case involving one of their employees. The murder also peripherally introduces Rotimi as Faith's ex-husband and her son's father added to the list of damaged characters on the show as the former soldier is still haunted by PTSD which goes into overdrive after discovering the bodies.
While the uncovering of a conspiracy initially only draws rolling eyes and conspiracy from the department, it puts Wagner (Sonja Sohn) in a temporary bind with pressure from above to ignore these allegations for the good her career and the department. Ultimately she decides to throw in with Trent and Faith in exposing the situation (despite the company's steps to try and cover their tracks). The case both introduces a possibility of a promotion for her and then seems to squash it, suggesting a returned status quo by the time of its conclusion.
Angie's (Erika Christensen) attempts to protect the woman she needs to testify to take down the trafficking ring leads her and Ormewood (Jake McLaughlin) to rescue another girl who was oblivious to the situation she was about to get herself in. It doesn't look like this story is going to be wrapped up any time soon, and it does give the side-characters their own story arc, but I prefer when there's more interaction between everyone and not such a definitive A and B story split.
- Title: Will Trent - Should I Go Get My Tin Foil Hat?
- IMDb: link