The Flash - Hear No Evil
You can tell we're into the final season of The Flash as "Hear No Evil" is overpacked with plot. We pick up the abandoned thread from last season's finale concerning the fate of Frost & Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker), which includes Team Flash voting which one should die (before coming to their senses), and the introduction of a new personality which Panabaker will be playing this season. We get a split within Team Flash. We get a new villain in the Fiddler (Magda Apanowicz) who is revealed to be working alongside the new Captain Boomerang (Richard Harmon) for Red Death. We get the return of Pied Piper (Andy Mientus) and an entire arc deciding if he should be a hero or villain. We get Cecile (Danielle Nicolet) and Joe (Jesse L. Martin) dealing with his bombshell last week. We get Barry (Grant Gustin) and Iris (Candice Patton) putting their vacation on hold. And we get awkward early days of Chester (Brandon McKnight) and Allegra (Kayla Compton) together.
Got all that? There's about six episodes of content her blended together to try and keep the show on pace for where the writers want to end in time for the finale. Rather than make some choices about what to cut, since there isn't enough time to space things out naturally, they just throw it all together. Most of the time is spent around Team Flash tiptoeing around Caitlin's new personality and whether or not they should force one of her previous personalities back (which is just a horrific attitude for our heroes until the obvious answer finally occurs to them), and the Fiddler attacking the Pied Piper who has a crisis of faith in deciding how to respond. There is a nice twist in Barry bringing Mark (Jon Cor) back to the fold, despite his attempts to trick them, only for Pied Piper to basically take his place ending in obvious super-pose for the team's main heroes.
- Title: The Flash - Hear No Evil
- wiki: link