Wednesday - Friend or Woe

Finding a way to work in a Pilgrim scene obviously inspired by The Addams Family Values, "Friend or Woe" puts Wednesday (Jenna Ortega) in Pilgrim garb as the students are sent into town on Outreach Day to help with local businesses. After saving Eugene (Moosa Mostafa) from the bullies, Wednesday ropes him into some snooping about the the drawing of her ancestor and the Pilgrim from her Nightshade book. Later she heads into the woods to investigate the original Pilgrim meeting house leading to another vision of her ancestor and a rioting Pilgrims who burned outcasts alive.

While the reveal of the secret society turns out to be disappointing, the episode does include several fun moments including Wednesday's prank of burning the Pilgrim statue (celebrating a man who burned innocent people alive) in the town square while gleefully playing her cello in celebration. Elsewhere, Enid (Emma Myers) spends time with Ajax (Georgie Farmer) getting a little closer while working in the creepy antique shop, although a mistake will lead to a crimp in their romantic plans, Xavier (Percy Hynes White) reconsiders Wednesday's opinions about Rowan's death,  and our sheriff stumbles up on a crime scene and captured photos of the local monster.

  • Title: Wednesday - Friend or Woe
  • wiki: link

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