NCIS: Hawai'i - Deep Fake
Picking up from the cliffhanger ending of the NCIS episode that kicked off the three-part crossover event, the kidnapped Tennant (Vanessa Lachey), Hanna (LL Cool J), and Jimmy (Brian Dietzen) find themselves being held in Hawaii by a woman claiming to be CIA Agent Melina Delvin (Dawn Olivieri). Parker (Gary Cole) lands in Hawaii, taking control of the investigation, and begins searching for Simon Williams' known associate which turns up a dead body and another woman also claiming to be CIA Agent Melina Delvin (Maya Stojan) who claims Williams' network is vast and includes rogue agents within the CIA. It turns out neither Melina plays well with others.
From one of the two Melinas, NCIS is able to find a defunct CIA clearing house with ties back to Simon Williams in more ways than one. Tennant and Boone (Noah Mills) learn the truth about the CIA assassination program that was mothballed until someone restarted it for personal gain. While offering plenty for Parker and Hanna to do, the second part of the crossover offers less mixed team-ups than the first. Late in the episode, Callen (Chris O'Donnell) turns up running into Kai (Alex Tarrant) and Whistler (Tori Anderson) uncovering the operation of the second Melina offering a fun Mexican stand-off... in Hawaii. The trio make a timely save of Tennant and Boone before Tennant and Callen catch a plane to Los Angeles for the concluding episode of the crossover.
- Title: NCIS: Hawai'i - Deep Fake
- wiki: link