Rick and Morty - Full Meta Jackrick
Returning from mid-season hiatus, Rick and Morty goes into meta-overdrive fighting a number of zany characters with puntastic names in the meta realm while also offering the return of Story Lord (Paul Giamatti) from "Never Ricking Morty" who breaks into the real world and attempts to redefine his character with the help of his crappy creator. "Full Meta Jackrick" is batshit crazy, in all the best ways, from the opening (which includes our heroes flying through the opening credits) all the way to the end where the writer fails to learn an important lesson, much to the dismay of Ghost Joseph Campbell. The episode runs with the concept, never slowing down, while providing us with numerous moments and laughs on the way to becoming the best episode of Season Six.
- Title: Rick and Morty - Full Meta Jackrick
- wiki: link