9 Bullets

Lena Headey stars in this thriller in name only about a retiring stripper who goes on the run with the sole survivor (Dean Scott Vazquez) of her murdered neighbors who were all killed after stealing from her psychotic ex (Sam Worthington) leading to an annoyingly-long road trip with an equally annoying kid. Things aren't improved when they pick up La La Anthony as a traveling companion running from her own problems.

9 Bullets is your basic throwaway movie featuring familiar faces you've seen in better films going through the motions. The script from writer/director Gigi Gaston offers a couple of nice individual acting moments for Heady but nothing in the script provides us much of a reason to care about the characters, their story, or the results of a bloody final shootout (and sappy tacked-on epilogue) which mercifully draws events to a close.

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  • Title: 9 Bullets
  • IMDb: link

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