The Peripheral - Pilot
The opening episode of The Peripheral introduces us to as talented gamer Flynne Fisher (Chloë Grace Moretz) who would rather spend her time in the real world than VR trying to support her ailing mother (Melinda Page Hamilton) and sketchy older brother (Jack Reynor) who often enlists her help on his various schemes. With enough trouble in the real world, Flynne isn't looking for trouble in VR as well but that's what happens when she helps her brother test a new Sim unlike anything either of them has seen before.
The Sim starts out enjoyable enough for Flynne but things soon turn weird and violent, with her player feeling the pain of her avatar in the game which, after she leave the Sim, she begins to suspect is more real than fantasy. Adapted from Walter Gibson's novel by Westworld creators Lisa Joy and Jonathan Nolan, the first episode teases larger mysteries and questions although thankfully doesn't take anywhere near as long to get things rolling with Flynne's trouble in VR breaking into the real world as a squad of mercenaries appear on the family's property at the close of the episode.
The more futuristic VR world is certainly more interesting than the near-future of Flynne's everyday life. Given that, I'll be curious to see how much of the series takes place in each reality. There's enough her to catch your interest, even if the subplots of local drug dealers and the veteran buddies of Flynne's brother seem a bit superfluous early on. I'm not sure if there's enough here to keep my interest week after week (as Amazon has decided on a weekly release rather than a full season one), but I did enjoy here and if the show is going to be less coy than Westworld that's a least a good first step.
- Title: The Peripheral - Pilot
- IMDb: link