Once and Future #30

It may have taken more than six issues, but Once and Future comes to close dealing the with final betrayal of and the release of Leir into the world in the final stage of which also allows for one character to find the ending to his story. Our story stays with our main characters, letting the Arthurs and various other characters fade in the mist of forgetfulness. 

While the story which unfolded out of what was originally supposed to be six-issue mini-series concludes, and manages to lay a couple breadcrumbs in the epilogue allowing them to return to the story of Bridgette and her family down the line if they are so inclined. Once and Future had a great run and this issue offers a satisfying conclusion with the tease leaving the door open for more in the future. I certainly wouldn't say no to seeing more of these characters. 

[BOOM Studios, $4.99]

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