Abominable and the Invisible City - Welcome Home, Everest!

Putting their mission to find and help magical creatures in the city on hold, Yi (Chloe Bennet), Jin (Tenzing Norgay Trainor), and Peng (Ethan Loh) need to help Everest (Darin De Paul) who isn't used to the warmer temperatures of a summer in Shanghai. A short cool down in the restaurant's freezer offers a temporary solution, but in order to save their friend the kids will reach out to the reformed Burnish (Alan Cumming) who, after initially refusing, decides to help by building a cooling chamber for the yeti on the roof allowing Everest to stay with Yin.

Working in Burnish as a friend, but one who still struggles with the temptation of magical creatures, provides a way for the kids to get some serious tech upgrades in the second episode (which will no doubt come in handy over the course of the season). We also get some increasingly ridiculous tomfoolery with the kids attempting to sneak the yeti around the city. Although, with the help of Burnish, Yi is able to find a way to keep her friend around the episode reminds us that Everest doesn't belong in the city and will eventually need to return home.

  • Title: Abominable and the Invisible City - Welcome Home, Everest!
  • IMDb: link

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