Abominable and the Invisible City - Everest Returns
Spinning out of the underrated 2019 animated feature Abominable, the new series brings back Everest (Darin De Paul) to Shanghai to help Yi (Chloe Bennet) with her magic and deal with a magical bird known as a Fenghuang which shows up in the restaurant in need of help. Offering reunions between the yeti an the the kids, the first episode of Abominable and the Invisible City also sets up the premise of the show with Yi, Jin (Tenzing Norgay Trainor), and Peng (Ethan Loh) helping a different magical creature in every episode.
Given other DreamWorks properties have found continued life in TV form, I guess it's not all that surprising that Abominable gets a continuation as well, even though the emotional journey of the film may not have lent itself to an episodic series the same way How to Train Your Dragon or Kung Fu Panda does. The always delightful Chloe Bennet returns to reprise the role of Yi for the series which after one episode already sees her grow in the magic produced from her music. The Fenghuang is an interesting first creature, and I am curious to see what other animals Yi and her friends will come across over the ten-episode season.
- Title: Abominable and the Invisible City - Everest Returns
- IMDb: link