Ms. Marvel & Moon Knight #1

Continuing the story of someone sending out highly adaptable swarms of ratbots which began in Ms. Marvel & Wolverine #1, Ms. Marvel's search for answers takes her to the Midnight Mission to enlist the help of Moon Knight. Despite the bizarre naming and numbering of a series of separate team-ups which are connected, the odd pairing of Ms. Marvel and Moon Knight against a creepy threat works well. We even get Hunter's Moon thrown in as a bonus.

If there's a weakness to the story it's the lack of understanding of what it's all about for what appears on its surface to be a one-off adventure. Why would someone capable of such fearsome technology would target Moon Knight and Hunter's Moon? We do get a glimpse of a man behind the curtain to close the issue, but that doesn't mean much in the context of this issue. Still, the swarms of ratbots prove creepy enough to make it an interesting read.

[Marvel, $4.99]

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