Iron Cat #2

The team -up of of Black Cat and Iron Man begins as the unlikely duo begin to work together to stop Tamara Blake and retrieve the Iron Cat armor she stole in order to avenge their shared mentor the Black Fox. The second issue fills in gaps for readers, offering us flashbacks to Felicia and Tamara's shared past and plenty of examples how both characters think and act leading Felicia to set the kind of trap for her old friend she knows Tamara can't ignore. 

What Felicia doesn't realize, but what we learn in the bits of the comic from Tamara's perspective, is her old frenemy is consciously attempting to avoid past mistakes and has taken a partner of her own in the corrupt AI Madame Menace who has helped Tamara lay her own trap for our heroes. Just who is walking into whose trap this time?

[Marvel, $3.99]

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