Usagi Yojimbo #29

Miyamoto Usagi and Yukichi travel north to deliver the jade dragon the recovered from thieves from the previous issue the Part One of "The Secret of the Green Dragon" when the pair come across a courier who they are unable to save from Komori Ninja. Reaching the town they find the merchant dead and a corrupt official willing to accept the jewels in possession but not the story of any actual Komori.

It's a solid first issue of a new arc that still plays on previous events. The pair's arrival in town also leads to Usagi's reunion with Chizu who helps explain the situation to the pair of ronin and reveal the hidden treasure that was buried deep in one of the merchant's boxes implicating Lord Hikiji of treason that the trio will now need to see safely delivered to the south (unless the Komori, or the Neko Ninja, catch up with them first).

[IDW, $3.99]

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