The Blacklist - The Bear Mask
"The Bear Mask" gives us an acid trip fueled time loop as Aram's (Amir Arison) choice to move forward with some experimental hallucinogenic therapy traps him in a loop where the team is continuously under attack by unknown assailants (who turn out to be led by his darker unconscious). At least he seems to have gotten some inner peace from the stressful situation. Reddington's (James Spader) story take place outside the loop and confirms Mr. Kaplan wasn't in the explosion leaving questions looming as to the identity of the adversary is working against him (could it eventually turn out to be Kaplan, or is that just a smokescreen to hide the truth of someone nearly as close who knows as much about Reddington's operation as his former friend?).
- Title: The Blacklist - The Bear Mask
- wiki: link