Justice League #75

Leading into the next Crisis event, this volume of Justice League comes to a close with the core members of the Justice League all killed by Pariah (remember him?) who is under the control of the Great Darkness which wants to destroy everything and give birth to a new Multiverse.

The issue offers exactly what the cover promises in the death of major DC heroes (although I'm not sure how this will impact those with their own monthly titles). We also get cameos from heroes from other worlds, including Captain Carrot, as well an army of villains under the control of the Great Darkness.

If this new Dark Crisis follows the format of the previous events, we can expect major changes to the DCU, be they for good (fixing the Flash's costume or restoring Captain Carrot's original look) or ill (see The New 52). We'll just have to wait and see.

[DC, $5.99]

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