The Human Target #6

The Human Target #6 marks the halfway point of the twelve-issue maxi-series which begins with Christopher Chance telling Ice that he suspects her best-friend of the murder attempt on Lux Luthor's life (which poisoned Chance instead). Let's just say she doesn't take his suspicions all that well.

We may not get much in the way of moving the case forward (with Ice continuing to be a distraction), or any new cameos from the Justice League International, but we do get a return in the jealous Guy Gardner who attempts to break-up the pair of squabbling lovers and faces Ice's fury. The scene, and its aftermath remind us that we are in a Black Label comic, separate from the current continuity of the DC Universe. As for the case, Chance needs to get back to work with only a handful of days left to find his answers.

[DC, $4.99]

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