The Endgame - Gold Rush

"Gold Rush" is another of those episodes where even when the FBI win a victory over Elena Federova (Morena Baccarin) they still lose. The episode, mainly dealing with the terrorist group's control of the Federal Reserve, does see Val (Ryan Michelle Bathe) and Doak (Noah Bean) able to work together in the short term to save the country's gold supply, at least for now. Doak's moment of not being a corporate-ladder-climbing ass is short-lived, however, as things quickly go back to normal.

The only other notable piece to the episode is the further teasing of the rival criminal organization that killed Federova's family which has now shown up to muck up her larger plans. And the episode ends on a cliffhanger, which was foreshadowed so hard it was almost screamed at the audience the past couple of episodes. It turns out the man who killed Val's mother is still alive (or someone Federova has put in place pretending to be him is). Giving Val this information is obviously a way to pull her closer, but how does this fit into her larger plan?

  • Title: The Endgame - Gold Rush
  • IMDb: link

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