
Set in New York during the 1920s, L'Atelier Animation's Fireheart stars Olivia Cooke as Georgia Nolan who has grown up dreaming of becoming a firefighter. When her father (Kenneth Branagh), retired firefighter turned tailor, is brought back by the department after the rest of the city's firefighters go missing, Georgia sees her chance to live her dream in the gender-bending farce / coming of age story. Passing herself off as a male volunteer, Georgia discovers what being a firefighter is all about.

Relying on a host of goofy secondary characters including a narcoleptic cab driver, William Shatner as the city's sleazy mayor, cute dog, and a villain with bizarre motives but seemingly endless supply of money and technology, along with a generic chasing your dreams kind of story, Fireheart is mostly forgettable fare with a nice message for young girls about breaking through the glass ceiling.

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  • Title: Fireheart
  • IMDb: link

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