Detective Comics #1051

Part of the ongoing "Shadow of the Bat" arc, the Bat-Family (sans Batman) is trying to get a new drug off the streets of Gotham, the supplier of which is Arkham Tower's Dr. Tobias Wear. He has been selling both real and fake shipments of drugs to criminals all over town who are none to happy. He's also got Mayor Nakano on his back in terms of the city signing off on his form of treatment. Which is why he's brought in Psycho Pirate to help control the situation. Turns out putting all your hopes on a emotionally-unstable psychotic in a jester's costume isn't necessarily the best plan.

Even several issues into the arc, you can still make out the basics of the plot here (although I'm not sure why so many Bat characters are needed undercover within Arkham Tower). The Psycho Pirate loosing control means all hell breaks loose in Arkham Tower at one point, but by the end the situation is as under control as things get in Gotham City.

[DC, $4.99]

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