Usagi Yojimbo: The Dragon Bellow Conspiracy #6

The reprinting of the classic Usagi Yojimbo storyline "The Dragon Bellow Conspiracy" concludes here in the aftermath of the defeat of Lord Tamakuro and his planned uprising. Mostly an extended epilogue to the earlier events of the series, both Miyamoto Usagi and Gen separately say their farewells, declining service to Lord Noriyuki before returning to their lives as wandering ronin.

The rest of the issue deals with the fate of the wounded Zato-Ino who is rescued and taken to an isolated village. Although planning to move on when healed, he provides service by dispatching a gang of bandits troubling the town (in the issue's one big action sequence) who become more violent after realizing the bounty on the town's new resident. He loses his loyal companion in the process, but finds a new home to call his own and the chance to begin a different life.

[IDW, $3.99]

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