Suicide Squad #8
A Suicide Squad comic narrated by Ambush Bug? Okay, you've got my attention (even if Bug's ADHD does have the story going in seemingly every direction all at once). We get Peacemaker vs. Swamp Thing, the Suicide Squad fighting a group of former (now dead) members raised from Hell on the Rock of Eternity, and a surprise guest in Major Force. And that's just the first 12 pages.
This is a seriously crazy issue. Even if Ambush Bug's narration does drone on at times, the humor works and despite the number if irons in the fire including governments coming after Waller, Rick Flag putting together his own team, the machinations of Talon, and now Peacemaker unleashed, Suicide Squad #8 works as a good start for new readers and a nice summary to catch the rest of us up on everything the current volume of the title has going. Let the craziness continue.
[DC, $3.99]
- Title: Suicide Squad #8
- Comic Vine: link
- Writer: Robbie Thompson
- Artist: Eduardo Pansica