Usagi Yojimbo #22

Miyamoto Usagi's travels with his cousin Yukichi Yamamoto continue in part one of "Ransom" as the two wanderers have mad their way out of Lord Hikiji's province only to run into new trouble when their paths cross those of Kitsune and Kiyoko. It doesn't take the young warrior long to discover the sneakiness of the two thieves as they tease Yukichi before showing the travelers the thieves' latest score: a ledger of corruption and payoffs.

There's some fun here at Yukichi's expense as the naïve young warrior sees a bit more of the world than he was expecting in a pair of thieves who seem to periodically show up just to drive Usagi crazy.

Despite the thieves' successful escape, Boss Hasegawa's warriors are sent to retrieve the book tracking down the foursome and leading to a skirmish and the kidnapping of Kiyoko who will be held for ransom until dawn.

[IDW, $3.99]

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