Red Sonja: Black, White, Red #3

Red Sonja: Black, White, Red #3 offers three more separate tales of Red Sonja in black and white... and red. The third issue of the anthology is notable for offering not one but two separate tales without any dialogue.

The only tale with dialogue, "Small Tales," is notable for having a character that won't shut-up when Sonja comes across a young girl who manages to momentarily snare Sonja in a trap. Our heroine helps the young girl home, only to discover she is not the orphan she claimed to be but a runaway who hoped to meet her hero.

"Dawn of a Crimson Day" from Gail Simone offers snapshots across Sonja's timeline, beautifully rendered by Walter Geovani, giving us Sonja as a child and a distant future featuring a one-eyed She-Devil with a Sword continuing her adventures.

The final tale in the collection has something in common with both other stories as Sonja attempts to save a silent village from a dragon only to discover everything is not as it seems.

[Dynamite Entertainment, $4.99]

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