Only Murders in the Building - Who Is Tim Kono?
As the title suggests, the second episode of the series delves into who the murder victim was. While we see Charles (Steve Martin), Oliver (Martin Short), and Mabel (Selena Gomez) attend the building's memorial to Tim Kono and see the trio break into his apartment to search for clues, the only real answers we get to the question comes from Mable's memories (which she chooses not to share with her new friends). Tim, it turns out, was a childhood friend whose falling out occurred on New Year's Eve with death of their mutual friend (Olivia Reis), the truth of which Tim would never speak of.
Is the previous murder related to Tim's death? Does it have something to do with Tim's collection of stolen jewelry which Mabel finds in her apartment? And will she choose to share any of this information with Oliver and Charles? The second episode also creates some tension between Charles and Mabel when she discovers his heartfelt speech about his past came word for word from his old television show. We also learn Charles is far from the most popular man in the building. While the wake for Tim shows that no one in the building really knew, or liked, him, (they show more feelings over the loss of a neighbor's cat), Oliver is confident in saying that Charles may be even less popular than the dead man.
Is the previous murder related to Tim's death? Does it have something to do with Tim's collection of stolen jewelry which Mabel finds in her apartment? And will she choose to share any of this information with Oliver and Charles? The second episode also creates some tension between Charles and Mabel when she discovers his heartfelt speech about his past came word for word from his old television show. We also learn Charles is far from the most popular man in the building. While the wake for Tim shows that no one in the building really knew, or liked, him, (they show more feelings over the loss of a neighbor's cat), Oliver is confident in saying that Charles may be even less popular than the dead man.