Harley Quinn: The Animated Series - The Eat, Bang, Kill Tour #1
The new series Harley Quinn: The Animated Series - The Eat, Bang, Kill Tour follows the events of the Second Season of Harley Quinn: The Animated Series working as a cold open loosely tied to the series upcoming Third Season. Events pick up with Gordon and the GCPD chasing Harley and Ivy down the Harley Quinn Highway. Suggested for mature audiences, the comic uses a bit of adult language and suggests physical intimacy between Harley and a confused Ivy still wracked by guilt for leaving Kite Man at the altar and following in love with Harley Quinn.
As with the appearance of the highway, there are plenty of little nuggets for fans of the show who are finally given the opportunity to see Harley and Ivy together (but not before Ivy goes through all the emotions of a very emotional day). Picking up right after the famous wedding that didn't happen, Ivy has become big news leading Harley to suggest the pair get off the grid and spend a little time together. No doubt they will also find new kinds of trouble to get into.
[DC, $3.99]
As with the appearance of the highway, there are plenty of little nuggets for fans of the show who are finally given the opportunity to see Harley and Ivy together (but not before Ivy goes through all the emotions of a very emotional day). Picking up right after the famous wedding that didn't happen, Ivy has become big news leading Harley to suggest the pair get off the grid and spend a little time together. No doubt they will also find new kinds of trouble to get into.
[DC, $3.99]
- Title: Harley Quinn: The Animated Series - The Eat, Bang, Kill Tour #1
- Comic Vine: link
- Writer: Tee Franklin
- Artist: Max Sarin