Black Cat #8

A new storyline kicks off here as Black Cat sets her sights on perhaps the most dangerous score of the career. And the person standing in her way is none other than Nick Fury, Jr.. C.F. Villa (who drew some of the previous volume's better issues) returns as artist freshening up the look of the comic and character once more.

Although the prize she's after isn't given away in this opening issue to the new arc, the title "Infinity Score Part 1" and the reveal of what's in the box (or rather who's in the box) she manages to steal in front of Fury confirms what Felicia is after this time around. The Black Cat wants the Infinity Stones (which are merged with people now for some reason, rather than just having guardians?).

Obviously Felicia has some plans for the stones, which may or may not involve Black Fox and his fate following the series' opening arc, but that has yet to be revealed (or how she plans to remove the stones from the hosts or convince them into doing what she wishes).

[Marvel, $3.99]

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