Usagi Yojimbo: The Dragon Bellow Conspiracy #1

IDW continues to collect old Usagi Yojimbo stories and release them in color for the first time. Usagi Yojimbo: The Dragon Bellow Conspiracy #1 offers the retelling of the first chapter of "The Dragon Bellow Conspiracy," originally released in the late 1980s Fantagraphics Usagi Yojimbo run. Although Miyamoto Usagi does appear in the issue, as one of three separate weary travelers struggling through the rain (the other two being Gen and Zato-Ino), his entrance to the story comes rather late.

The story of Chapter One involves Lord Noriyuki sending Tomoe Ame to investigate the unusual activity of his neighbor Lord Tamakuro who seems to be stockpiling warriors and weapons for some unknown purpose. Tomoe confirms her lord's suspicions by discovering rifles and gunpowder but is captured before she can report back (which is where our rabbit ronin steps into the tale).

The first issue of the classic run introduces several separate characters who will be brought together over the arc along with a conspiracy that requires investigation and answers.

[IDW, $3.99]

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