Giant-Size Amazing Spider-Man: Chameleon Conspiracy

Giant-Size Amazing Spider-Man: Chameleon Conspiracy offers an over-sized conclusion to the Chameleon Conspiracy which involves armies of Chameleons and Jack O'Lanterns fighting on a secret space station which will crash into Earth before the end of the issue. Also onboard are Foreigner and Chance hoping to get their hands on the Catalyst (technology which can predict the future) and its creator. Got all that? Needless to say this isn't the best place to jump into the story.

We start out with the reveal that Ned Leeds is alive (and still not the Hobgoblin). Um, okay? So is Uncle Ben returning next issue? We also get Teresa Parker fighting alongside Spider-Man (although she does get tempted by the Chameleon at a crucial moment).

The issue wraps up the storyline in explosive fashion (heh), with a host of cameos late foreshadowing new stories to come involving Silver Sable, Taskmaster and Black Ant, Kindred, Doctor Octopus, Kraven, and Electro.

[Marvel, $5.99]

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