Black Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade #2

Black Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade #2 explores the resurrection of Dane Whitman (who is struggling to take recent events in stride) and the history of the Ebony Blade which is revealed to one of several artifacts made from the Starstone including a shield, chalice, and staff (the staff was later used to create the Ebony Dagger introduced last issue).

Issue #2 fleshes out Jackie Chopra as a seer tied to the story, offers some wisdom and history from the ghost of Sir Percy (the original Black Knight), introduces Elsa Bloodstone into the story, reveals someone is killing experts in the field of magic and Camelot in the search for the artifacts, as well as reveal the identity of the series' main villain.

Black Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade #2 is a solid second issue filling in some of the questions raised and laying the foundation and support for Whitman to take on his quest and stop Mordred from collecting all of the Ebony artifacts for himself.

[Marvel, $3.99]

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