Batman Adventures: Riddle Me This
The Batman Adventures: Riddle Me This trade paperback collects five Riddler-themed stories from comics inspired by Batman: The Animated Series (which is a bit funny given the character appeared so few times on the show compared to other top-tier Bat-villains). This of course means plenty of riddles and misdirects (some of which work better than others). The best story turns out to be the last of the collection when a reformed Riddler grows bored and attempts to publicly engage the Batman in "Poker Face" from Batman Adventures #11. The reformed villains shenanigans not only tick off the Dark Knight Detective but also Mayor Penguin who frustratingly can't find anything to charge Nygma with as Riddler isn't breaking any laws.
Robin works to solve riddles left by the incarcerated Riddler which lead him to the missing Batman in "The Real Deal" from Batman: Gotham Adventures #57. "The Oldest One in the Book!" from Batman: Gotham Adventures #11 features an escaped Riddler leaving clues for Batman to apprehend other villains not realizing he's also leading Batman to his own door.
After kidnapping a musician, the Riddler leaves Batman and Robin a series of riddles but it's Nightwing who realizes the musician is leaving his own clues in "Notes" from Batman: Gotham Adventures #28. With the Riddler locked in Arkham someone else begins leaving riddles for Batman leading to the Riddler's escape and search in "Identity Theft" from Batman: Gotham Adventures #56.
[DC, $9.99]
Robin works to solve riddles left by the incarcerated Riddler which lead him to the missing Batman in "The Real Deal" from Batman: Gotham Adventures #57. "The Oldest One in the Book!" from Batman: Gotham Adventures #11 features an escaped Riddler leaving clues for Batman to apprehend other villains not realizing he's also leading Batman to his own door.
After kidnapping a musician, the Riddler leaves Batman and Robin a series of riddles but it's Nightwing who realizes the musician is leaving his own clues in "Notes" from Batman: Gotham Adventures #28. With the Riddler locked in Arkham someone else begins leaving riddles for Batman leading to the Riddler's escape and search in "Identity Theft" from Batman: Gotham Adventures #56.
[DC, $9.99]
- Title: Batman Adventures: Riddle Me This
- Comic Vine: link
- Writers: Ty Templeton, Scott Peterson
- Artist: Rick Burchett, Tim Levins