Black Cat #2

A tie-in to Marvel's "King in Black" storyline which involves Knull arriving on Earth and sending an army of symbiotes to take down Earth's heroes in New York, Black Cat #2 features a mission for the Marvel Universe's best thief - steal one of Knull's most valuable prisoners from underneath the God's nose.

While rescuing Doctor Strange may not be as fun as stealing from him, the issue does present interesting challenges for Felicia Hardy and still offers a strong build up to the heist. Black Cat #2 is a solid issue that fits into a larger storyline without forcing readers to track down other issues in order to make sense of things (which is good because I have no interest in reading any more about Knull than I need to).

It also features several nods to Spider-Man history including Anti-Venom Symbiotes and dusts of both the Spider-Mobile and Goblin Glider. And, if that wasn't enough, ends on one hell of a cliffhanger as we're going to see just what a mega-powered Black Cat is capable of.

[Marvel, $3.99]

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