Bull - My Corona

Bull returns for its Fifth Season by delving into New York in the middle of the COVID outbreak. The first 10 minutes of the episode catch us up on Bull (Michael Weatherly) during the months with which the office has been shut down and no new clients have walked through the door. Courts final start opening up, and Bull gets a client no one wants - the owner of a company that runs security background checks for apartments who is being sued by those denied new homes by reports wrongly identifying them as criminals. While the episode pulls the rug from under us in the final few moments, revealing most of the episode to be a COVID-fueled fevered dream, "My Corona" does some interesting work dropping Bull within a completely changed world with far less access to the jury and far fewer prospects for clients.

The episode is notable for some odd music-themed sequences, which are clues to the fact that all events are only unfolding in Bull's head. The show takes advantage of this idea to show off a bit of the set and let its cast have some fun as well to close out the episode. From the final scene, it looks like the new normal won't be as different as Bull's nightmare, but there will obviously be changes needed to deal with the new reality. One last note, for a show that doesn't usually rely much on special effects they certainly could have done a better job with the creepy-as-fuck CGI baby.

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