Usagi Yojimbo #10

Miyamoto Usagi's return to his native province offers nothing but pain in this single-issue tale named for the mon which Usagi wears so proudly. In a town under the control of Lord Hikiji, the crest of Lord Mifune is something to be scorned or attacked.

The only semi-friendly face Usagi finds in the town is a former foot soldier for Lord Mifune who long ago sold off his swords and became an inn keeper to those who bested their lord on the battlefield. Others, including a group of drunken warriors, are far less pleasant to the rabbit ronin picking a fight over both old grievances and the possibility of a reward for taking down one of Mifune's best warriors.

While not one of Usagi's most epic tales, the tension, hate and greed of those he comes into contact are palpable, making Usagi Yojimbo #10 memorable indeed. Although our hero is triumphant in combat, the issue ends tragically with even the innkeeper choosing greed over loyalty and leaving Usagi battered and alone once more.

[IDW, $3.99]

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