Super Dinosaur - BFFs
"BFFs" gets its name by the introduction of the Earthcore robot Kal (Vincent Tong) out to prove he would make a far better partner and friend to Derek (Valin Shinyei) than Super Dinosaur (Mac Heywood). The other half of the episode deals with the arrival of Ms. Finkle (Lisa Bunting) determined to force Derek into taking the test he's been putting off for a month. The episode offers a moral for kids about balancing school versus play (even if Derek's play is really saving lives, making Finkle's hard-line stance come off short-sighted and a little cruel). This is the first episode to reveal Derek, Erin (Shannon Chan-Kent), and Erika (Shannon Chan-Kent) all have the same teacher (whose authority over her students trumps even General Casey). When a situation arises, SD and Kal are forced into the field without Derek but Kal's attempts to prove his superiority on exacerbate the problem the two were sent to solve and force Derek into some chicanery to save his friend from the the unstable robot transformed into Erupticus by the lava flow he was unable to stop.