Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic the Hedgehog is a borderline kid's film likely too juvenile for those who grew up with the SEGA games and relying a bit too much on nostalgia to connect with younger viewers who may not know who Sonic (voiced by Ben Schwartz) is. James Marsden stars in a role not dissimilar to the human he played in 2011's Hop who befriends, and has his life turned upside down by, an animated character. After fleeing his home dimension, Sonic has been hiding in the woods outside of the small town where Tom (Marsden) works as sheriff while dreaming of being a big city lawman.

We're told Sonic has managed to stay hidden for years (incredibly unlikely from what we see here). A power burst by the hedgehog brings in Dr. Robotnik (Jim Carrey) to hunt down Sonic who the mad scientist believes can power his various machines. Carey is completely over-the-top here and the script offers him plenty of opportunities to gorge himself on as much scenery as his appetite allows.

Sonic the Hedgehog isn't an altogether bad movie, but it's not necessarily a good one either. There is some fun to be had, mostly from Sonic's zooming around and Carey going full-on-bonkers as the crazy Dr. Robotnik, but the script is a poor excuse to string these moments together. Sonic the Hedgehog is available on 4K, Blu-ray, DVD, and several streaming platforms.

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