Green Hornet #1

What immediately drew my attention to Green Hornet #1 was the art of Anthony Marques which popped right off the page in beautiful black and white. I'm a fan of the character of the Green Hornet, but honestly I wasn't planning on spending much time with yet another series featuring a new take on the character (I've lost count how many different comics Dynamite Entertainment has put out over the years). The look of the comic made me take notice.

After a few minor skirmishes both in costume and as themselves, the story begins in earnest as the Green Hornet and Kato get in over their heads while searching for a missing reporter from Britt Reid's newspaper The Sentinel. The trouble also includes a baby, the United States Army, and a UFO.

While I wasn't expecting an alien story in a Green Hornet comic, Marques and writer Scott Lobdell sell the 1950s feel of the idea fairly well and I'm curious to see where the story goes from here.

[Dynamite Entertainment, $3.99]

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