Batman: The Adventures Continue #8

The two part "Darker Knight" story concludes as Batman and Azrael discover who stole the Shawl of Magdalene from the Order of St. Dumas.

As in the first-half of the story, Batman's concern over the the ferocity of Azrael's actions (such as beating a lead out of the Penguin) continues to grow. However, despite the foreshadowing of a possible physical altercation between them, the pair do not come to blows as Azrael confronts Mister Freeze who hopes to use the shawl to save the life of his wife Nora. Fortunately for Azrael, after biting off more than he can handle in Freeze, Batman arrives in time to save the day wrapping up the tale and leaving the heroes on good terms.

With Azrael saying farewell at the end of this issue (at least for now), the comic once again teases the possibility of Jason Todd emerging from the shadows. Up until this point we've seen him spend much of his time shadowing the Bat-Family, but Batman: The Adventures Continue #8 points out the other target in his sights: the Joker.

[DC, $.99]

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