DC Super Hero Girls: Infinite Frenemies #2
Metropolis High School's dance may not be a typical teenage experience, but it turns out to be a pretty typical night for the DC Super Hero Girls when Livewire attacks, taking over the auditorium's sound system, and forcing the kids to keep dancing.
There's quite a bit of fun here leading up to Livewire's appearance including Zatanna's obsession with creating the perfect evening, Supergirl's reluctance over attending, and Wonder Woman's forceful attempts to arrange dates for herself and her friends. Writer Amanda Deibert and Erich Owen even work in the reluctance of the shier students to hit the dance floor without little push.
With the arrival of Livewire (who is angry over having her job of DJ usurped by Batgirl), the girls' the dresses are swapped for the heroes' regular clothing for a battle with the super-villain. The comic ends in your expected super battle, with a cute epilogue of the girls discussing how much they still enjoyed the evening. Worth a look.
[DC, $.99]