Easter Card Trader Awesome Pack

Hendo Art is a cosplayer from California. You can follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Vero, and Twitter. Check out her official store as well. You can also support her on Patreon. Photo by Jon York.
Billie Bug is an Australian cosplayer. You can follow her on Instagram and support her on Patreon.
Rolyat is a cosplayer. You can follow her on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. You can also support her on Pateron. Photo by Luc Luzzo.
k8sarkissian is a cosplayer from Nevada. You can follow her on Instagram and Twitter. You can also support her on Patreon.
Heliades Cosplay is a Brazilian cosplayer. You can follow her on Instagram.
Enji Night is a Hungarian cosplayer. You can follow her on Twitter, Instagram, deviantART, and Facebook. Photo by Omaru.
Valentina Kryp is a cosplayer. You can follow her on deviantART and Facebook.
NOTE: These cards exist solely to celebrate and promote the cosplayers and their terrific cosplay. No physical copies of these cards exist, nor has any attempt to sell any of the cards been made.