Darth Vader #2

The unexpected appearance of a familiar face rocks the Dark Lord of the Sith as Darth Vader #2 picks up from the first-issue cliffhanger of Darth Vader coming face-to-face with Padme Amidala. As expected, the woman is revealed to be Sabé (the former Queen of Naboo's doppelganger and bodyguard). Although, in my opinion, artist Raff Ienco could have made her look a little more like Keira Knightley.

Issue #2 offers quite a bit of art, but not much story. Many of the panel's focus on Vader's remembrance of his lost love brought back into focus of seeing someone wearing her face years later. Despite neither trusting each other, the pair find a mutual bond in wanting to know the truth about happened to Amidala (although the way the events have played out since then we know for certain Darth Vader never learned the full truth about the final moments of Padme's life).

Although I'm curious to see how Greg Pak may try and walk a razor's edge to allow the characters to have some closure without revealing all, the nature of the story limits what they can find. For fans.

[Marvel, $3.99]

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