The Flash - A Girl Named Sue
"A Girl Named Sue" picks up from last week's cliffhanger with Iris (Candice Patton) trapped in a mirror dimension while a doppelganger has assumed her life while playing on Barry's (Grant Gustin) emotions to get her hands on Mirror Master's gun. Meanwhile, the episode's title comes from long-running B-story of Ralph (Hartley Sawyer) finally catching up with the elusive Sue Dearbon (Natalie Dreyfuss) who offers the private investigator a story about being on the run from an arms dealer ex-boyfriend since discovering how he made his fortune. As Cecile (Danielle Nicolet) points out, the pair are a perfect match (although Sue turns out to be a little too alike with the old Ralph as she double-crosses him to get what she's really after - a giant diamond).
Sue is definitely more interesting than a socialite or damsel in distress, and both her fight with Ultraviolet (Alexa Barajas) and the final scene looking for something hidden within the facets of the diamond suggest she is more that just a thief as well. Is she a member (former member?) of Black Hole or does she work for one of DC's various spy agencies (and if so, which one)? In the mirror world, Iris discovers a new ally in a scientist (Efrat Dor) trapped there for years who has more power over the mirror than she ever realized. Have we just witnessed the birth of a new Mirror Master? The episode also introduces a story of someone at CCPD covering up crimes. Is this tied to Black Hole? To the story that got Iris trapped in a mirror world? Or the start of a new threat? Oh, and what's going on with Nash (Tom Cavanagh)? Even without appearances by some of the series regulars. there are certainly plenty of questions raised here for the show to dive into over the remainder of the season.