Wonder Woman #750
As DC Comics have done for recent #1000 issue milestone issues of Action Comics and Detective Comics, Wonder Woman earns an over-sized issue featuring multiple stories from a who's who of writers and artists (along with some art and an insane assortment of variant covers thrown in). While there isn't one stand-out story here, it's a solid collection of tales touching on different aspects of who Wonder Woman is.
The story that earns the most pages is the "Wild Hunt" conclusion of Diana's battle with Cheetah featuring Wonder Woman besting her rival and reclaiming that which she has lost including the lasso and her bracelets.
Other stories include Diana turning the tables on Ares, Diana going to Circe in an attempt to put things right, a tale of Diana of Themyscira before a certain pilot crash landed, Diana through the eyes of the Bombshells, receiving a call to return home, and a melancholy tale of the a remorseful Silver Swan. We also get Diana's presence at the 1939 World's Fair and a story of sisterhood featuring Wonder Woman and the young hero Star Blossom.
[DC, $9.99]