Usagi Yojimbo #6
With the 35th anniversary of the character's first appearance, creator Stan Sakai takes us back to the beginning by expanding the original 8-page story in which the character appeared ("The Goblin of Adachigahara") in this look at the wandering rabbit ronin's travels leading him back to the plains of Adachi where Lord Mifune fell in battle years before.
Available in multiple variant covers, Usagi Yojimbo #6 is certainly worth picking up for both longtime readers and newcomers to get a glimpse into what makes Miyamoto Usagi tick.
Usagi's pilgrimage back to the spot of his greatest defeat, in hopes of discovering some sign to allow him to free himself from his vows to the fallen Mifune, instead leads to an encounter with a goblin in the woods with ties to both Usagi and Mifune and the tragedy that changed the samurai's life forever. The events of the issue restate the character core belief structure and, is so often the case, ends with the rabbit ronin hitting the open road once more. Must-read.
[IDW, $3.99]
Available in multiple variant covers, Usagi Yojimbo #6 is certainly worth picking up for both longtime readers and newcomers to get a glimpse into what makes Miyamoto Usagi tick.
Usagi's pilgrimage back to the spot of his greatest defeat, in hopes of discovering some sign to allow him to free himself from his vows to the fallen Mifune, instead leads to an encounter with a goblin in the woods with ties to both Usagi and Mifune and the tragedy that changed the samurai's life forever. The events of the issue restate the character core belief structure and, is so often the case, ends with the rabbit ronin hitting the open road once more. Must-read.
[IDW, $3.99]