The Flash - Kiss Kiss Breach Breach

With Barry (Grant Gustin) and Iris (Candice Patton) heading off on a weekend getaway (likely the last before her husband disappears from all existence), "Kiss Kiss Breach Breach" leaves the other characters free to pursue their own adventures. The main storyline features Cisco (Carlos Valdes) investigating the death of his ex Gypsy by a notorious criminal known only as Echo. All evidence points to Cisco, enough that even Cisco begins to question himself, but in the multiverse there's almost always an alternate explanation. For an episode without the Flash, and really the first of the season not to be strongly influenced by the impending Crisis, it works fairly well as the show continues to prepare the supporting characters for life after the Flash.

The episode's other storylines involve Joe (Jesse L. Martin) getting trapped underground with Harrison Nash Wells (Tom Cavanagh) and confronting Dr. Ramsey Rosso (Sendhil Ramamurthy) about his murder spree. Ralph (Hartley Sawyer) jumps in-between both stories offering help where needed. Not surprisingly, Caitlyn can't talk any sense into Rosso, but in the other storyline (that looks to tie things back to Crisis) it appears the new Wells is ready to share information about the Monitor (LaMonica Garrett).

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