
Klaus offers a fun, if a bit predictable, holiday tale that explains various aspects of the Santa Claus mythology when a spoiled postman (Jason Schwartzman) is shipped off to the edge of the world and enlists the help of a hermit named Klaus (J.K. Simmons) to provide toys to the children of Smeerensburg where two rival families have been at odds for generations. While Jesper's (Schwartzman) motives are originally selfish in terms of bumping up the post office's numbers to earn a trip back home to the good life, his actions lead to a dramatic change in the town's children, and eventually their parents.

The pair's attempt to deliver presents sets the precedent of Santa coming through the chimney, lumps of coal, and a sleigh pulled by reindeer. Klaus works well as a holiday film where both our selfish protagonist and the bizarre city he finds himself exiled to discover the meaning of Christmas. Even the lonely Klaus is helped by Jesper's schemes, although the story flounders a bit in the final act where Jesper's motives behind the town's changes are put into light prior to the inevitable conclusion to the story. Klaus is currently available on Netflix.

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