The family is still split-up among the different realms in SHAZAM! #7 with Pedro and Eugene coming in contact with someone who appears to be the wizard Shazam (although he may not be all that he appears) who takes the pair into the Wozenderlands rather than returning them home. Back on Earth, Billy and Mary are forced to deal with Mary's decision to come out to their foster parents about the kids' magical powers (putting Billy's reunion with his father on hold long enough to return and find his missing siblings).
The other storyline brings members of the family in contact with Tawky Tawny for the first time as the tiger saves the lives of Darla and Freddy and helps them escape the Wildlands. (The trip to the Wozenlands also introduces a bunny, but not the one I was hoping for.)
Jumping back into the fray, Billy ends up in the Darklands which seems appropriately named and likely where the family may gather together to face their next test. Worth a look.
[DC, $3.99]